
Monday, January 14, 2013

All in a name

As Legolas (Our eldest son) and I were at a special church meeting last night, we were so inspired by the 2013 theme for the youth of the church worldwide, Stand Ye in Holy Places.
We had built the Draper temple during the day and had decided it would be fun to start a blog to document our adventure.  Different names were discussed.
So at the meeting, Legolas leaned over to me and whispered "Build in Holy Places."
That was it!  I am so proud of him for capturing the spirit of excitement!
As parents we hope this journey will help our children:
1. Appreciate the beauty of the temples
2. Love the beautiful promises that are given to families there
3. Build each other as we build the House of the Lord
4. Prepare to go there one day themselves

Thank you for joining us on this journey!

A List of LDS Temples


  1. How we love each of you and are proud of the example you are setting for us!

  2. Hi!

    Thank you for following your prompting and sharing this with the world.
