
Saturday, August 31, 2013

London England, Temple- Guest Build

A few weeks ago we received this email a few weeks ago.  What a lovely Librarian! Heber, you are so lucky.  Thanks, Alice for sharing your story and beautiful temple creation with us.  This is exactly what we hoped would happen by sharing our journey publicly.  I never thought of painting LEGOs!  The boys both have, but Mr Brick is pretty much a LEGO pureist:)

I am a Librarian in Wasatch County Utah. We just had a Lego Contest that I hosted at our library.  I love Legos and have built houses since I was 14 . I wanted to be an architect when I grew up.  For our Contest and Exhibit I wanted to build something amazing. I saw an article about your family in the paper and knew what I wanted to build.

I went to England the end of June 2013 (my 3rd time) and so I decided to do the London Temple. My best friend is from England and her family was sealed in the London Temple. She was married in the Preston England Temple (which I have visited too ) but I wanted to try the London Temple.  It is to pretty  much to scale and the best I could do. I am missing a few windows but, it is pretty true to the original building.  I took the picture from the Internet and my late night drive by in the rain while in the UK to get the details. I am an adult so It should be fairly good!

It is maid out of  90% LEGO 10% K'Nex. I painted  some of them white with a water based paint (which will come off when I soak it over night in water)  The K'nex were either blue, red, green, or yellow. I also sprayed it was sparkle hair spray so It will wash off. I just wanted to add a little sparkle. I am going to do the Finland Temple is kind of the joke  that is the temple I want to be married in because I live an hours drive from lots of temples and I think the Finland Temple is pretty cool.   So I probably won't remove the paint for now.

 Thanks for inspiring me!

Alice DeFriez

Wasatch County Library
Children's Librarian


 London Lego Temple
by Alice DeFriez
Photograph of the London England Mormon Temple
London England Temple photo from

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